Four days in León, España. Lots of active links in this post for more info.
This lovely town in the Castile and Leon province is in the northwest of Spain. It has quite a long history going back to ancient time. I thoroughly enjoyed the Museum of Leon and found it completely empty on the day I was there. It covers all of the time periods that have been important in this area of Spain including the Celtic influence during the 4th century. I never did go into the Leon Cathedral as it was just too crowded for me. Built in the 14th century and known for it's gothic architecture.
Leon is famous for being along the Camino de Santiago, the famous pilgrimage to the Santiago de Compostela. I did see quite a few pilgrims about, some looking a bit weary, no doubt from walking for many miles. The scallop shell sign is in the sidewalks and on the walls in Leon showing the way of the pilgrimage.
Loads of delicious tapas as well. Went to the famous Bar Jamon Jamon twice where with each drink (again of any type, not just wine), you get a lovely slice of local jamon, cheese, and local bread. Delish!
Interesting how many of the locals drink beer here, many more than I saw drinking wine. Also saw quite few folks having limonade (lemon soda) mixed with their beer. That didn't look good to me at all but I suppose it cuts down on the alcohol consumption.
Another gorgeous building is the gorgeous Casa Botines designed by the architect Antonio Gaudi. It was designed as a private home and was later a bank.

My favorite spot was the Museum of Modern Art, MUSAC
The building looks like a Pantone color deck. In some spots, the glass isn't colored but the other colored glass reflects on it. Loved it!
check out those greens! |
Colors of the earth around Leon. Very cool installation with hundreds of color variations on the wall display.
I now moved onto Logroño via a fairly long and pleasant train ride hugging the mountains along the way. The pics from train wouldn't do it any justice but the scenery was beautiful. Lots of grape vines and olives.

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