Now that the shock and horror of the Morakot aftermath have started to die down a bit, I've had a bit more time to reflect on what a wonderful place Taiwan is and how much I enjoyed my time there.
It's amazing to me that I was in Kaoshiung county during the typhoon and that is where all the worst damage happened. I read in the paper today that two high level government ministers will likely resign over the slow response to the mudslide and something about a refusal to accept help from mainland China. UGH!
I realized what a lovely place I was in and how well the staff of the resort I was staying in did to keep things under control throughout the storm. We still had piles of fantastic food, were only without electricity and water for a couple hours and most amazing of all, the internet was only down for about 4 hours throughout. That was actually my saving grace as I would have gone a bit nuts without being online as you could see from the video, going outside at all was a bit of challenge.
The wonderful staff at the resort remained cheerful and helpful throughout. In fact, it seemed the people at the resort were pretty unscathed as well. Everyone seemed to be finding things to do (the game room was packed)
Oh yeah, the food...the ya go....
How about some nice kidneys for breakfast? Just where do you suppose these kidneys came from anyway? I am going to guess from a pig.
My favourite part of breakfast...the pau and dim sum...YUM!!! Some of the best I've ever had.
This was my favourite breakfast...some delicious watermelon, nice strong coffee, and three kinds of pau (or pow or boa or lots of other interpretations). The purple one (coloured by taro?) is filled with red bean paste, the white with BBQ'd pork, and the yellow one was plain. All delicious and fresh and steaming hot from the bamboo steamers.
What interesting food! Looking forward to reading more about your coming travels.